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Krüger Dirndl Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature

Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature von Krüger Dirndl
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weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature
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Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature

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Krüger Dirndl Traditional blouse 33822-15 nature
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A traditional blouse in a natural print. Trachten fashion with a modern twist, this attractive light-beige gingham blouse is sleeveless and has pretty lace-trimmed ruffles. It is made from 100-percent cotton by Kruger Dirndl and features the traditional Bavarian horn buttons. Perfect for wearing with Trachten shorts at Oktoberfest.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 2449
Artikel-Nr.: 2449
Supplier: Krüger Dirndl
Material: 100% cotton
Care: Pflege
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24 Oct 2018

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Krüger-Dirndl GmbH, Antoniusstr.21, 73249 Wernau, eMail: info@krueger-dirndl.de

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