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OS-Trachten Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink

Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink von OS-Trachten
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
weitere Bilder von Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
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Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink

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OS-Trachten Traditional blouse SIEBENSTERN white pink
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Fine tucks and enchanting edelweiss embroidery. The white-and-pink costume blouse SIEBENSTERN captivates with its coloured border on the short sleeves and a chequered green tie. On the inside of the collar is an identically coloured insert. To the left and to the right of the button facing there are exquisite tucks. Two embroidered edelweiss blossoms above the left breast adorn this pretty ladies top.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 3964
Artikel-Nr.: 3964
Supplier: OS-Trachten
Material: 100% cotton
Care: Pflege
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26 Jun 2019

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Supplier: Orbis Textil GmbH & Co.KG, Kruppstraße 20, 58553 Halver, eMail: info@orbis-textil.de
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