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Spieth & Wensky Traditional bootee D469 Janina red rustik

Traditional bootee D469 Janina red rustik von Spieth & Wensky
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weitere Bilder von Traditional bootee D469 Janina red rustik
weitere Bilder von Traditional bootee D469 Janina red rustik
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Traditional bootee D469 Janina red rustik

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Spieth & Wensky Traditional bootee D469 Janina red rustik
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Janina women’s red rustic boots. These bright and bold red boots have been created for you to wear to Oktoberfest and it is accompanied with plenty of modern flare. Made from 100% leather, they boast red side panels stamped in a floral pattern that perfectly complements the chocolate brown toes and backs and are held in place with bright red laces up the fronts.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 2627
Artikel-Nr.: 2627
Supplier: Spieth & Wensky
Material: Leather / linen, textile lining, plastic profile sole
Care: Pflege
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11 Dec 2019

würde die Schuhe sofort wieder bestellen

Farbe wie abgebildet - sehr bequeme -

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Supplier: Spieht & Wensky GmbH, Passauer Straße 30, 94130 Oberzell, eMail: info@spieth-wensky.de
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