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OS-Trachten Traditional german Janker brown

Traditional german Janker brown von OS-Trachten
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Traditional german Janker brown

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OS-Trachten Traditional german Janker brown
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Traditional herringbone jacket with perfect features. For business and occasions in the cultivated traditional appearance is desired. 60% cotton / 40% linen. A jacket in the traditional style of the straight in the summer through the linen all its benefits plays out as lightness and breathability. The workmanship is of high quality and recognizable by the leather borders in fir green or the raised collar made of leather. Real stag horn buttons with which the flap pockets are buttoned. The cardigan is smooth in the back and worked without back bar, but with a green central piping made of leather. The handkerchief with its design of the traditional jacket inside is completely lined loosens the well-groomed solid appearance of this traditional jacket and still shows class.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 3109
Artikel-Nr.: 3109
Supplier: OS-Trachten
Material: 60% cotton 40% linen
Care: Pflege
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24 Dec 2018

Die Qualität und Verarbeitung ist erstklassig,Preis-Leistungsverhaltnis ist sehr gut :-)

Erstaunlich Sinn für Detail!

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Supplier: Orbis Textil GmbH & Co.KG, Kruppstraße 20, 58553 Halver, eMail: info@orbis-textil.de
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