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Almsach Trachten blouse Milena blue

Trachten blouse Milena blue von Almsach
weitere Bilder von Trachten blouse Milena blue
weitere Bilder von Trachten blouse Milena blue
weitere Bilder von Trachten blouse Milena blue
weitere Bilder von Trachten blouse Milena blue
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Trachten blouse Milena blue

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Almsach Trachten blouse Milena blue
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Women’s blue Trachten blouse. Boasting the perfect blend of traditional Bavarian fashion elements and modern comfort, this short-sleeved blue blouse is ready for any occasion. The 100% cotton material flares slightly at the hips so that it follows the contours of the female form and boasts a tiny polka-dot design in white, while slight ruffles accentuate the hem, sleeves and button-up front.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 2484
Artikel-Nr.: 2484
Supplier: Almsach
Material: 100% cotton
Care: Pflege
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2 Aug 2018

Schöne Bluse

Schöne Bluse

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Sarna & Chawla GmbH (Almsach), Zentrale Korntal, Jahnstraße 2, 70825 Korntal, eMail: leather-fashion@almsach.com

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