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Spieth & Wensky Traditional Cardigan Fancy red

Traditional Cardigan Fancy red von Spieth & Wensky
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Traditional Cardigan Fancy red

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Traditional necklace 13007-2044 beige
Traditional necklace 13007-2044 beige
£29.90 *
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Spieth & Wensky Traditional Cardigan Fancy red
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A tasteful and simple traditional cardigan that can be added perfectly straight to any dirndl. The unique look of this Spencer dirndl cardigan comes across as traditional, but is transformed by the patent knit pattern in the front and back, as well as by the contrasting coloured knit edge and the embroidery on the button bar into a sporty and incredibly attractive piece. A practical companion for the cool evenings and perfect for more than just traditional outfits.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 2944
Artikel-Nr.: 2944
Supplier: Spieth & Wensky
Material: 100% merino
Care: Pflege
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Supplier: Spieht & Wensky GmbH, Passauer Straße 30, 94130 Oberzell, eMail: info@spieth-wensky.de
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