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OS-Trachten German traditional shirt Pfoad white

German traditional shirt Pfoad white von OS-Trachten
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weitere Bilder von German traditional shirt Pfoad white
weitere Bilder von German traditional shirt Pfoad white
weitere Bilder von German traditional shirt Pfoad white
weitere Bilder von German traditional shirt Pfoad white
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German traditional shirt Pfoad white

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OS-Trachten German traditional shirt Pfoad white
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The classic among traditional costumes. The Traditional 'Pfoad' with the raised collar. From Orbis. Of course, 100% pure linen with a great slightly rustic goods structure and the best wearing sensation that you can imagine especially in summer. Linen is already extremely casual in appearance after a short wearing and unbeatable temperature balancing. The front of the shirt has pin tucks and also the typical chest bar. The raised collar is a matter of course in this slip shirt and the laundry buttons as a very special traditional highlight. It will become your favourite shirt. Guaranteed.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 3185
Artikel-Nr.: 3185
Supplier: OS-Trachten
Material: 100% linen
Care: Pflege
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10 Jun 2019



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10 Nov 2018

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Sehr schönes Leinenhemd perfekt zur Lederhose

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14 Jun 2018

Gut für festliche Anlässe im Hochsommer!

Leinen für den Sommer! Auch bei wärmeren Temperaturen ist es gut zu tragen. Einwandfreie Verarbeitung.

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Supplier: Orbis Textil GmbH & Co.KG, Kruppstraße 20, 58553 Halver, eMail: info@orbis-textil.de
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