Wiesn 2017: Alpenclassics hits the Oktoberfest

It's the work trip that everyone wants to take part in. After all, people who sell dirndls and lederhosen for a living like nothing than getting dresed up for a traditional Bavarian festival - and the Munich Oktoberfest is quite simply the defining event of its kind. So we went to the 184th edition and (who'd have thought it?) had just as much fun as we always do.


Tradition has it that the first one to spot the sign has to shout, and as soon as it hoved into view, we all started shouting with excitement as the streams of exquisitely clothed Bavarains went past us on their way to their customary tents. Around us, too, many of the tourists had made a special effort, with lederhosen and dirndl dresses in the very clear majority - many of them really rather authentic, even if the wearers were speaking English!

Our first stop was the Ocshenbraterei tent, famous for its roast oxen and redesigned this year to be larger and more comfortable. We couldn't miss it, though, as the front had retained the key design principles (a revolving model spitroast ox). And the actual meat was as tasty as ever!


With our bellies lined and one beer in, we went for our customary walk around the fairground. We're big fans of traditional rides like the "Krinoline", a topsy-turvy merry-go-round named after the floaty, wire-framed skirts of yesteryear accompanied by a brass band, and always take the opportunity to try our hand at crossbow archery ("Armbrustschiessen").


Later that day, we were meeting some friends in another tent - and one which also has something to do with crossbows (the name is "The Crossbowmen's Tent"), even if we didn't shoot here. We did, however, experience the highly traditional cracking of the whips, "Goasslschnalzen" (if by "experience", you mean almost lost eyes too). And of course, here too, we enjoyed some hearty cuisine and a few beers...


Which mean that some of us felt in the mood to go home, while other decided to stay on. And so we went our separate ways, with of our party spotting that other traditional figure, a Scotsman playing bagpipes, as others kept on enjoying the Oktoberfest way into the evening... If you're going, we hope you have a great time and are happy to do what we can when it comes to getting you dressed up appropriately.


Über uns

Ein herzliches Willkommen sagt Ihnen Alpenclassics e.K. Tracht- & Landhausmode – schön, dass Sie den Weg zu uns gefunden haben. Dafür, dass er sich gelohnt hat, garantieren die edlen Materialien, strahlenden Farben sowie attraktiven Schnitte unserer Trachtenlederhosen, Dirndl und anderen Schmuckstücke. Stockerpoint Trachtenmode von A-Z. Mit unserer Trachten- und Landhausmode sind Sie immer bestens gekleidet – auf dem nächsten Volksfest ebenso wie zu vielen anderen Anlässen.


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